15 November 2014: New Board members elected at FoMA’s autumn meeting

Nov 15, 2014

The statutory autumn meeting of Friends of Malmi Airport Society was held on Saturday 15 November 2014 at 2pm. About 30 members of the Society were present. A productive discussion was had about the 2015 work plan, and the focus areas were pointed out in more detail: activation of the municipalities around Helsinki, the point of view of the Finnish Defense Forces and the significance of the airport in times of crisis, and the media channels for publicity work were seen as important. The work plan will be published later in detail.

The following persons were elected to the 2015 Board:

Timo Hyvönen (chairman)
Raine Haikarainen
Milla Kuosmanen
Klaus Wesa
Päivi Hokkanen
Kauko Koskinen
Seppo Sipilä
Eija Korjula
Sami Saikkonen
Rita Landén

The following persons were elected as new members of the Board to replace those who’s turn it was to retire:

Jarmo Nieminen
Marko Kempas
Hannu-Matti Wahl