60 visiting aircraft at Malmi Fly-In – Mathias Rust considers the project to close Malmi as a loss to freedom

May 30, 2016

Press release 30 May 2016
Friends of Malmi Airport

A Fly-In aviation event was organized at Helsinki-Malmi Airport in the weekend 27-29 May. About 60 visiting general aviation aircraft participated. The furthest visitors came from Latvia and central Sweden. On Saturday at 12 o’clock, a commemorative plaque of Mathias Rust’s peace flight was unveiled. On that day, 29 years had passed since his epic flight from Helsinki-Malmi to Moscow’s Red Square.

Mr. Rust, who had to cancel his participation due to work and health related issues, sent his greeting to those present. He said:

“Malmi Airport was an important milestone on my flight to Moscow, the source of peace. If the Airport vanished, it would not only be very sad but also a great loss to freedom, since aviation is a unique envoy of peace.”

Mr. Rust’s complete greeting may be read through this link.

The Malmi Fly-In has evolved into a splendid event for the whole family. Just watching the aircraft and normal air traffic is enough of a programme for many. Now there were also the historic DC-3 airliner, several aerobatic pilots practicing for the autumn airshow, flights for the public both by helicopter and airplane, guided tours in the historical surroundings of the Airport and many kinds of playing activitites for children. Thousands of people visited the Airport during the weekend. Air traffic went on normally under Air Traffic Control.

– The most common topic of  talk was City of Helsinki’s plan to shut down the Airport. The threat of closing down has been a surprise and a shock especially to international visitors. A Dutch group that arrived by six aircraft on Sunday evening was astounded and told us that they would spread knowledge about this in international aviation circles, says Chairman of Friends of Malmi Airport, Mr. Timo Hyvönen.

An up-to-date snapshot of the threatened status of Helsinki-Malmi Airport can be downloaded through through this link.


Helsinki-Malmi is the second-busiest airport in Finland. On the record day, there have been no less than 483 flights during the 9 opening hours of the tower. On the average there are 150–200 flights per day during the opening hours of the tower, i.e. about 20 flights per hour.

The photos may be freely used in reporting this event:t ovat vapaasti käytettävissä tämän uutisoinnin yhteydessä:

  • The commemorative plaque of Mathias Rust’s flight was unveiled at Malmi Airport on 28 May 2016 at noonIMG_2715
  • Helsinki-Malmi Fly-In offered children their own activities right next to the aircraft


  • Helsinki-Malmi Fly-In lured in e.g. several Estonian parties, the furthest visitors being from Latvia and central Sweden.
